A double chin can be something brought about by age, weight gain or it can be hereditary. If you would like to do something about this sign of aging but would like to avoid plastic surgery, then there are several exercises you can try to help reduce or eliminate the problem.

The extra chin is the result of excess fat being stored in the lower jaw. The amount of fat your body stores in your chin area is different for each person. The best ways to combat this is to get on a weight loss and exercise program under the supervision of your doctor, and to do a series of simple exercises on a daily basis that can help reduce the appearance of your unwanted chin. The exercises help to strengthen the jaw and neck muscles around the chin, and work to hold up the excess fat more effectively.

The first exercise for a double chin is a very simple one that you can do as you are going to sleep at night. Lie on your side and place your head on your pillow. Once you are comfortable, stretch out your neck and hold it in place for a count of 10. Do this several times for a span of four or five minutes. Over the span of a few months, you will notice a difference in the appearance of your chin.

Another exercise for a double chin that is extremely effective involves a few minutes of standing in a room. Stand with your hands at your side and your eyes looking straight ahead. Then slowly tilt your head back making sure to keep your mouth closed at all times. Once you feel the skin on your neck near your chin start to tighten, stop tilting your head and hold it in that spot. Hold that position for a count of 20 and then slowly let your head down. Repeat this several times for four to five minutes each day.

A double chin can be embarrassing and frustrating. As you get older, the skin from your second chin could continue to hang lower making it even more pronounced. There are very simple ways, along with diet and exercise, that you can combat your double chin. Take a few minutes each day to improve your look and raise your self-esteem. The key is to be patient and make sure you do these exercises every day.